how to celebrate my 31st birthday




breathing clear blue skies

catching tiny butterflies

that happiness is actually not something that we need to achieve

it’s about presence

to live fully is to be here

and now

8 thoughts on “how to celebrate my 31st birthday”

  1. i don’t know why, but your work is always inspires me to do better, your photos, your creative stuff, your and mamiraz livingloving blog, awesome!
    Keep blogging and posting and make me and the rest of your work admirer (fans) happy, as always… :D

  2. nike baru pulang kampung lagi yah? duhh foto2 ignya yang dirumput2 bikin ngecess, pasti di balikpapan yah? haha *sotoy

    sekali lagi selamat ulang taun ya niks, semoga selalu jadi ibu dan istri yang keren :)

  3. I really interested to be your friend,can I have your email? have several things to share/tell I think :)

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